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Ledgy @ WomenHack: Connecting with Zürich's female tech talent

Joe Brennan
Content and Communications Lead
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The tech sector in Zürich has experienced exciting growth over the last few years. In 2019, the last full year before the COVID-19 pandemic, Zürich saw 23 tech exits, the highest on record.

At the same time, though, the Swiss market suffers from the same biases and inequalities as other tech ecosystems. As one example, Atomico's 2020 State of European Tech report revealed that between 2016 and 2020, all-male founding teams attracted 83% of all the capital invested in Swiss startups.

This imbalance is not sustainable, and doesn't make it any easier for women thinking about careers in tech.

However, there are organizations and communities turning the tide.

Greg, Jahlela, and Mariana ready to greet WomenHack Zürich attendees


We were delighted to sponsor WomenHack's October event in Zürich, which brought together more than 100 female technologists – from engineers to product designers – to discuss diverse and inclusive work environments.

WomenHack hosts women-focused tech events all over the world (check out the calendar for upcoming events near you!). The events themselves are designed to be simple: to start, attendees listen to short presentations from companies with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. These talks are followed by quickfire discussions in small groups. The format gives everyone the chance to interact with as many sponsors and other attendees as possible, while still making sure conversations are engaging and productive.

In our presentation we focused on the importance of maintaining an equal gender balance, something we have worked hard to preserve as Ledgy has grown to a team of 25 today. We hope that having a 50-50 gender split across the engineering team, the company as a whole, and on our board, helps us stand out to women candidates, demonstrating that we live out our values.

The Ledgy team having fun at a 2021 company offsite

Commenting on the event, Jahlela Hasle, Engineering Team Lead, said:


Open roles

If you're interested in learning more about how we work at Ledgy, and where you might fit in, take a look at our open roles.

"From the beginning, Ledgy has been dedicated to gender balance in technical roles and across the company. I was proud to represent this aspect of Ledgy's culture at this year's WomenHack Zürich event. The energy from the evening was great, and we had so many interesting conversations with talented women from Switzerland and beyond. We are growing as a company and want to connect with as many women applicants as possible, whether it's for software engineering or in customer-facing roles, so we also look forward to attending more WomenHack events in the future."
Joe is Ledgy’s Content and Communications Lead. He has over a decade's experience working in marketing and communications for scaling tech companies and global professional services firms.

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